Lynn Marie (Shefchik) Durkee is a native of Houghton, Michigan. She graduated from Houghton High School in 1994 and subsequently came to Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She has started back to school, taking only one or two classes per semester,hoping to someday finish a degree in Genealogy. Career aspirations include family historian, full-time mother and perhaps certitifed nurse midwife or medical doctor when the kids grow up and go on their way. Lynn served a mission in Oregon for the Church of Jesus Christ, 1996-1998.
Matthew Charles Durkee lived for 10 years in California and will probably never live there again. He also graduated from high school in 1994 and came to BYU where he is taking far too long to complete a degree in English. Career aspirations include writer (of fiction, biographies) and, to pay the bills, attorney. Matt served a mission in Colorado and Wyoming for the Church of Jesus Christ, 1995-1997.
Lynn and Matt met as freshman at BYU in October, 1994. They were engaged in November, 1994. Matt left on his mission in January, 1995. Due to mission rules, they had no personal or telephone contact for over three years while the two of them served missions, (but they kept up a lively correspondence through letters!). Lynn returned from her mission in May, 1998 and they were married on July 11, 1998.
Ellen Wendy Durkee was born on April 16, 1999. She's a firecracker. Her linguistic skills have exploded recently. She uses tenses and correct pronoun forms. Some favorite phrases are "Daddy eat chicken" "Mommy ride bike" "I go outside" and "Mar-mar sleeping".
Marilyn Jana Durkee was born on December 14, 2000. She's a sweetie. She took her first steps on November 3, 2001 although she is still pretty shaky. Like Ellen, she is amazing us with her linguistic abilities. She says "Hi," "Dada," "Mama," and knows her own name and Ellen's, and when she is asked if she is "hungry" she will start making nibbling motions if she is. Not bad for a ten-month old!